So, what is Rotary? 

One of the questions we are often asked when explaining our trip to friends, family and co-workers is “What is Rotary?” 

According to their website, Rotary International is 1.2 million neighbors, friends, and community leaders who come together to create positive, lasting change in our communities and around the world.

But to the members and the communities they serve, Rotary is so much more. 

Rotary’s primary motto is “Service Above Self”; its secondary motto is, “One profits most who serves best.” Through the service projects Rotary clubs support, both in their local communties and across the globe, millions of people have received polio vaccinations, clean water and more. 

GSE Team members are chosen from non-Rotary individuals, and through our interactions with our Rotarian Team Leader, our sponsoring clubs, Rotary District 7390 and the local Rotary Clubs we will visit with our our trip we continiue to learn about this organization and the good work they do.

For additional information on Rotary International, we encourage you to visit their website: