The team has arrived in Prague, the Czech Republic!

Our journey began with a send off from GSE coordinator Tom Houf:



We spent some time in Detroit, Michigan:

Michigan 2Michigan 1

In Amsterdam, we found a comfy indoor forest, where we could relax:


And then we finally arrived in the Czech Republic!

Welcome to the Czech RepublicThe GSE Coordinators from District 2240 were there to greet us and take us to our hotel. We are tired, but excited to be here!

We will work to update our blog with photos and stories of our visit!

Czech us out!

One thought on “Czech us out!

  1. So glad to hear from you that your travels were successful and uneventful…

    I don’t know why I am awake at 1:40AM, but I will treat it as a time to develop a “Rotary moment” to share with the Harrisburg Keystone Rotary club at tonight’s meeting!

    How do you say it? Doubrou noc!????


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