Day 2 in Prague

This is Sarah. District 2240 GSE Coordinator George Podzimek met the team on Sunday morning to take the team for a wonderful day of sightseeing in Prague!  


At the castle, we watched the changing of the guard, which happens once a week.

We toured the cathedral of St. Vitus.


George was a wonderful guide around the castle, sharing details on the architecture and building process. 
The group enjoyed beautiful views during lunch and a nice bottle of wine from the oldest Czech vineyard – St. Wencelas’ Vineyard. 


 Then we took a walk down the Golden Alley, including a stop at a museum of weapons. Each team member shot a cross bow! Team Leader Patti was the best shot. 

Here is a photo of Theresa with her target.

We traveled across the famous Charles Bridge and bought a few souveniers. 

George made sure that we caught the show at the Astrnomical Clock in Prague as well. It draws quite a crowd!

For dinner, George took us to a traditional Czech restaurant, where we each tried traditional Czech dishes – bramboracky and svickova. 

We cannot thank George enough for all of his planning, and for taking the time to show us his beautiful city! See you in Kosice, George! 

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